Mighty Mouse Mini Cranes
Changing the Game to Beat the Competition
We know that the long term success of any good crane depends on keeping the machines fully stocked with a mix of popular and quality toys.

Within 1 year of operating them ourselves, and testing many with other operators around the country, we recognized the value of this very small crane machine. How? The feedback we got back from operators, business owners, and players in virtually every place we put the Mighty Mini Crane did exceptionally well. And because our Mighty Mini Cranes made more money than any of our normal cranes, we knew we were onto something BIG!
The Mighty Mouse Mini Crane offers instant brand recognition, and comes with a LCD monitor on top that is going to play Mighty Mouse Cartoons to attract both kids and adults, and will help your locations market their business through a unique texting program. This Winner Every Time Business Model is a familiar concept used with Duck Cranes, Ball Cranes, and Candy Cranes, but in this instance, players will win a small TOY every time, so no one leaves empty handed!